
Similar to other platforms that allow for webpack plugin use, you can use our webpack plugin along side the configuration strategy provided by Next.js.

For example, adding the plugin to your configuration

const PacktrackerPlugin = require('@packtracker/webpack-plugin')

module.exports = {
  webpack: (config, { buildId, dev, isServer, defaultLoaders, webpack }) => {
    if (!isServer && isCI) {
        new PacktrackerPlugin({ upload: true })
    return config

Then, anytime you run yarn build and isCI is true, it will attempt to report your stats to our service. You will likely want to run this reporting only in your CI on every push, so make sure you put safeguards to ensure this. Additionally, do not forget to provide your project token, as stated in the plugin documentation.

Example Next.js project using a customized next.config.js with a GitHub Action workflow to report on every push.

For more information about all the configuration options and concerns in using the webpack plugin, see our documentation.

pageWebpack Plugin

Last updated